I wanted to share with you how i go about my grocery shopping trips. Like many of you i usually make a list before going out. This time around I kept track of my list on my refrigerator and marked things down as I started to run out of them, or as I thought of things I needed. After making my list I scanned the newspaper and Internet for coupons for some of the items I needed and then looked over my local grocery stores weekly ads to see who had the best deals for the items on my list. This week was Albertson's.
I like Albertson's when I need to buy meat because they usually have some good specials. Check out these great deals I got!
Not only was their ground beef $1.99/lb but some packs had a $3 off manager special coupon on it! the 3 packs I bought were a little over 3lbs a piece, after the coupons I ended up getting 11.1lbs for $13.20 (That's $1.19/lb!) There drumsticks were also a great deal at $0.69/lb so I bought 10.51lbs for $7.25!

Now as many of you may now, Albertson's will usually triple coupons up to $.39 and double up to $.50. Well not only did they have great buy one get one free specials on biscuits, but I also had some $.40 coupons which they doubled. I ended up getting 4 buttery flaky biscuits, 4 small rolls of croissants, 4 small grands biscuits and 3 small rolls of cinnamon rolls for only $11.72 instead of $19.49! Which i could have used more of the coupons for this purchase if I had them but i decided to go ahead and buy more then i had coupons for since they were bogo!

You really don't have to be an extreme couponer to get some great deals!
I find it amazing how, when presented with options, a child can make good decisions... er, well at least mine has been recently.
Introducing: Aidan's fantastic Snack Basket!

I started this when Aidan was three, but made the mistake of keeping it where he could reach it. After only a couple of days I woke up to open snacks all over the house!
I decided to try it again recently and now i keep it where he can not reach. In the basket I have many healthy snacks, such as: apples, granola bars, fruit cups, pop corn and baggies of dried fruits and nuts... I also have a couple not so healthy snacks, one little baggy has a lolly pop and tootsie roll in it, or chips. The great thing about the snack basket is Aidan gets to make his own decisions, within reason, but he also learns to make healthier choices. The Healthy snacks are a little bigger and more filling, so, no matter how tempting it may be to grab the candy, he knows those two small pieces are not going to fill him up and he may need to pick something better like the bag of fruits and nuts.