Went to Walgreens today and bought $195.00 in product for $34.63 out of pocket this morning! (That's an 82.24% savings) Picture does not include the two Easter baskets I bought (one Spiderman and one Sock Monkey each $1.75). I got them for next year and I don't want the kids to see til then so I couldn't bring them into the house. (might use them for Halloween too)
Included in the pic is:
6 Jumbo packs of Huggies
3 Huggies wipes 56pk
3 Nasal ease allergy nose spray
3 Similasan Nasal allergy spray
3 Royal gelitan
3 Pepsi Next 20oz
1 Heavy Duty Ice scrapper
2 Saline Soothers Nose wipes
2 Gel Pens
9 Aquafresh Kids toothpaste
1 Ruler
That is 37 items I got for an average cost of $0.94 per item!!!