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Experience the “Magic” that is Midtown ARTwalk!
FREE Admission, Entertainment, and Spirits!
Open Artist Studios and Galleries
Saturday, June 21, 2014
6-10 pm
Special Features Include:
June 21st Midtown ARTwalk is a “Celebration of LIFE”, a special night to celebrate Summer Solstice. There will be vendors in the field of life enhancing modalities, Gong & Tibetan Bowl musicians, healers and dancers, and much more!
“Therapeutic Arts” Grand Opening
Carolyn Naile
Relax, Renew, Restore.....
Experience the benefits of a mini reflexology workout combined with pure and natural aromatherapy.
Offered by CK Botanicals -
Live Music by “Taikodelic “
Japanese Drums
Robin Willis and Kevin Moore performing LIVE in Gallery at Midtown
Live Painters
30 Art Galleries under one roof!
Midtown Aerial Yoga by Tiffany Diamond
"Circus Freaks", a plucky band of versatile variety vaudevillians who mix improvisational theater, musical mayhem and big top talent for your circus entertainment.
MidTown ARTwalk promotes local visual art and artists in a wide range of mediums and artistic style, including painting, sculpture, metal art, handmade jewelry, fiber art, photography, pottery, and glass works.
GMT & Artist Studios:
Gallery At Midtown
Midtown Artist Studios:
James Rizzi
Larry Landis
Pierre Durand & Julie Pitman
Chuck Eiseman
Sonji Ramsey
Sonny Jefferson
Terry Mueller
Ed Hall
Teta Smith Studio
Paint My Pottery
Cleo’s Creations
SkyPony Studio
Kul Ame
Studio Nunez
Gallery E
Bad Margo Art
Leroy Roper Gallery/Studio
Therapeutic Arts
E. Wongvalle Studio/Gallery
Carolyn Collins
Strictly Earnest Gallery/Studio
Troik Studio
Dragonfly Studio Creations
Brandi Cooper Studio
Pop 54 Gallery
Kevin Page Fine Art
The Small Gallery
Studio 8:
Du Chau
Donna Head
Jennifer DeLaughter
Riki Greenspan
Duke Horn
Lauren Luong
Lise Dearborn
Marina Shterenberg
Liz London Studio
Art Inspiration/Paint At Midtown
James Bland Photography
ARTAFACT Gallery - Jarod Alexander Davies
MidTown ARTwalk is a fine art event that takes place the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Gallery At Midtown & Artist Studios, located inside Valley View Center, Dallas, Texas.
Gallery At Midtown & Artist Studios
Valley View Center
13331 Preston Road
Dallas, Texas 75240
Phone: (469)374-0491
Email: director@galleryatmidtown.
Video sneak peak: