Wednesday, October 30, 2013

RMB Art Studio OFFICIAL GRAND OPENING! Nov. 16: 6-10pm

Well, it has occurred to me that my studio has already been open for about six months and I haven't really had a BIG Grand Opening Party! Yes, I had what I called a grand opening when I opened my doors to customers for the first time in April. But this was more of a Soft Opening as I did not have many items or guests that night.

So, my Official Grand Opening will be November 16, 2013. From 6pm-10pm during our normal monthly art walk. I am so excited about it! I typically do not dress up for many events, but this will be my time to do so. I am currently trying to get some great Entertainment, I'm already speaking with a Gentleman that may perform on his guitar that night. There will be great food and a variety of drinks (of course, what's an art opening if not a chance to mingle and take in some fine spirits). And, the most exciting part of the night, aside from seeing great art, will be the raffles! Guests can get their tickets at the door and a drawing will be held at about 9pm that night for some great items from the gallery/shop area of my studio!

Below is the official invite/flyer for my Grand Opening, if you live in the DFW area I'd love to see you there!

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