Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Studio

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to show off my studio to all of you who have not been able to come by, or who live too far away to visit.

This sign was made by us with some plastic, masonite and paint. 
It's back lit!

My front counter, where I sit was wait for visitors when I'm not painting :)

We created this wall out of grid wall and fabric to display some work and separate my portrait painting area from the rest of the gallery.

My oil painting, portrait painting area, I only paint my portraits in the morning when my front doors are closed for privacy and quiet. My abstracts are painted in the front of the studio during open hours for all to see and experience.

My shipping station is also in the back, it's and eye sore.

Hope you all enjoyed the tour and that anyone in the area will come visit me soon. 

I am located at the Galleries at Midtown in Valley View Mall at
13331 Preston Rd, Dallas, TX 75240

My hours are flexible, but I am usually there from 7am-1pm Tues-Fri and 12pm-6pm Sat-Sun 
as well as by appointment.
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