Sunday, January 27, 2013

In 2013

I have been thinking alot about the changes I want to make this coming year. I feel that my views on life have changes dramatically during this time of reflection I have been taking over the last year. My life goals have changed. This year is a year of:

Spending more time with my children and Eric: we need to begin finding things to do as a family even if it is just a  game night in, we sit in front of the TV way too much and tend to let our time together revolve around it instead of creating experiences that we will always cherish and remember. Even if it is just taking a walk together.

Being responsible with money, not necessarily making more but using it right instead of chasing after "things" that I think I want but don't really need. This includes not spending our income tax return like we have money to burn, continuing to put money in my 401K, begin investing again, get my emergency savings up to a comfortable level. I have learned that putting even a little money into these accounts automatically every pay check really allows savings, investment, and retirement accounts to build up quickly.

Spending more time doing what I love because I deserve to. I have had a habit of thinking that I shouldn't let myself relax and paint or play video games because I feel like I should always do something for others or chores around the house,  if I have time to do something I enjoy. And I don't deserve to do what i like when there is something that still needs to be done. Well, there is always something that needs to be done and I'm never going to feel like doing it if I am allowing my life to be devoid of pleasure.

What are some of the changes you want to make for the new year?

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