Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"Adult" Time isn't all it's cracked up to be

  I've been discussing mine and my DH's social life with him recently. We were concerned over the fact that we rarely go out to see people, they usually have to come to our house to hang out. At one point DH attributed this to just being lazy, but I disagreed. Then we passed the blame to the kids. 

  Yes, it is a bit cumbersome to get two kids dressed, anything packed we need to take with us and get everyone out the door but that is not what stops me from going out. I leave the house with them all the time. And babysitters do cost money; however, if it is something I want to do I would be more then willing to pay to do it. You see, my children do not keep me from doing things. I choose to do things with them instead.

  I am a severe home body. I don't like loud places, or too many people and get nervous in most social situations which causes me to keep my mouth shut and fade into the background. Parties and crowded places are just no fun to me what so ever, never have been. With that being said, I do enjoy going out and getting together with family and close friends on occasion. And when I do 90% of the time I expect to be able to bring my children with me. Not because don't have anything else to do with them, but because I want them with me. Sure, I can go out with the girls every Friday night for some drinks (and i don't mind doing so on occasion), But why when Friday night is movie night with my boys? Did you know that the average family spends only 49 minutes a day together? One day my boys will either not want to, or be to busy to hang out with me and 49min a day is just not enough time between now and then.

  This is the time of my kids lives that mold and shape them into who they will one day be. And what I do with them now will greatly impact what kind of adults and parents they will one day become. These are the times they will look back on when They experience watching their own children grow. And not only that but i just feel that since this is the only chance I will have to see my kids learn and grow, these times should not be squandered. This is why I am trying my hardest to make this summer and every one after that a memorable one, full of fun, learning and laughter. And when my kids have outgrown me, then I will have the rest of my life to go out without having to feel like I am missing out on the most import parts of my children's lives.

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