Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why I'm an artist

  I've always thought I was very luck to have such supportive parents. Even from an early age they supported and encouraged any of my endeavors. I remember my step dad once telling me "You can accomplish anything you want to in life, as long as you work hard enough." It's advice I have always taken to heart.

  It's been a long journey til I realized that this it's the only thing I can be. Not that I couldn't have tried hard and finished college and chosen a "real job", I am fully capable of doing so. At most any job I've had I worked hard, followed directions, and became an exemplary employee. I would think to myself "This is it, I can do this, it's easy, it pays the bills and then some, I'll just work here and I'll be ok." And then a little time passes and I just can't do it any more. It would begin eating into my sole. It was against who I am. It's not about chasing a foolish dream, but about staying true to myself. There is no other way to explain it except that that being an artist is something I must do, just as breathing is.

  I didn't choose to be an artist, I was born one. It is my calling, it is something I have known since the age of 8 and no matter how hard I fight it, no matter how much I try to have a "normal" job or a "normal" life I am physically, and spiritually unable to do so.

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