Friday, April 1, 2011

My goals as a stay at ome mom and professional artist

OK, so i have found that being home day in and day out can cause lack of motivation. Yes, it was so much easier to feel a need to get up and ready in the morning when I know I had to be at work in a couple of hours. But now I am in charge of my own schedule which makes it easy to just say "It's OK to go back to bed for a couple hours, it's not like I HAVE to work" or "I can clean the house tomorrow, it's not like this is my only day off for the week"

Yes, working from home is much more difficult then dropping the kids off at daycare and going to an actual job. first of all you have to motivate yourself and remain disciplined. Second you have to actually get work done while jumping away from that work to care for two kids and keeping a house in order. For example, as I type this I am using one hand to type and another to feed Camden who demands to be fed every 2 hours. If I'm lucky he will go to sleep after eating and being changed and my oldest, Aidan, will stay upstairs and play giving me the time I need to take care of business and cook dinner.

Now, over the past two months I have found that the baby likes to sleep all morning... the only problem is so do I. However, if Camden sleeps all morning and Aidan is content to eat breakfast and then watch his morning cartoons this should be the perfect time to get some work done.

So, my goal is to start getting up after Cam's morning feeding, take a shower, get dressed and maybe even put some makeup on. the theory is that after all that I will be ready to start my day and get some work done as opposed to sleeping till 10 or 11 in the morning then feeling crummy that half my day is gone and I accomplished nothing. After a week or so I may even be able to incorporate a morning workout in my wake-up routine.

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